Upon your death, after you’ve retired and become a pensioner, your spouse/partner or eligible dependent children (in the absence of a spouse/partner) are entitled to a survivor benefit equal to 60% of the pension.
The lifetime survivor benefit is integrated with CPP at age 65 of the deceased member. In the case of a spouse/partner, the benefit is payable for life. In the case of dependent children, the benefit is payable until the youngest child reaches age 18, or age 24 if in full-time attendance at a recognized school.
The survivor benefits are paid in the first instance to your spouse/partner.
In addition to the survivor benefit, there may be a residual death benefit payable after all eligible survivor benefits have been paid in accordance with the Plan. A member’s Designated Beneficiaries are entitled to these residual death benefits.
You can add, view or change your current beneficiaries at any time using your myPENSION account available on the menu above.
contact the TPPC for more detailed information about survivor benefits.